Friday, February 05, 2010

Giving Back - Part 2: Sharing Your Gifts

For the past 6 years, I have been thinking of ways to raise money and awareness for different causes. I have six years of ideas and nothing to show for it. I'm what many call a dreamer. Sometimes my dreams become so large I get discouraged because they seem so impossible and out of reach. Honestly, for the past six years, they were. I was trying to muster up the strength to do it myself and not relying on anyone else. Though I would say I was, I wasn't relying on God either. With all of the things going on in my life over the years, there was no way I could get anything else done.

And then I got back on track with God. Everything started to make sense. Everything started to become clear. The paths I needed to walk on were set right in front of me. There are many things I can do by myself, but if I want to make a huge difference I need God. There have been other points in my life where I was close to God, but was still relying on myself. God may sometimes send angels to swoop down and help you. Sometimes God sends angels in the form of your family, your friends, and those around you. For the first time I saw that in order to accomplish my dreams and the work God has set out for me I NEEDED other people. As an introverted person who tries to be as self sufficient as possible, this has not been an easy transition. But by turning away the help of others, I started to see I was turning down the help I prayed for. There are so many people that have been God's angels for me and they probably have no idea.

As I said in my last note, I believe God gave us all gifts so that we can use them to give to others and ultimately give back to Him. This has been the center of most of my ideas. How can we use what God has given us to give to others? Over the past few months, the ideas were coming back and the fire in my heart to do something was burning as strong as ever. Some friends were unknowingly fueling that fire with their own urges to make a difference. And then the earthquake in Haiti happened. I don't believe much in chance, I think God was getting me ready to do something.

I started trying to figure out how I was going to help. There are many opportunities for an individual to give in times of crisis, but I wanted something that was going to bring people together to help the people of Haiti. I started to remember a meeting I had a few years ago. At the end of my senior year of high school I spoke with Sammi King from the Daily Herald. She gave me a ton of contacts that I could use if I wanted to set up an event. There was one in particular that she said as the first person I should talk to: Mrs. Britta McKenna.

I felt this is what I had to do, and for the first time in my life I didn't hesitate or think about it. I sent Mrs. McKenna message asking what I have to do to set up an event. She met with me a week later and ever since then the ball has been rolling. First of all, I must say she knows even more than I could imagine about how to do this stuff, and second, she knows everyone I need to talk to to make it happen. Third, and most importantly, she's an awesome lady. While I was meeting with her, the director of BATV and the owner of a local music school just so happened to be there at the same time. She introduced me, let them know I was planning something, and they said to contact them. Mrs. McKenna gave me all the information I need and some great advice. In all honesty, I felt slightly overwhelmed with how much has to happen for this to be what I've been dreaming. But at the same time I felt a peace knowing that it was happening, something was finally happening.

So by now I'm sure you're wondering what the plans are. I want to give the gifted people around town a chance to use what God has given them to make a difference in people's lives. While the main focus of the event will be arts, I think this can open the door for other types of talent to step in as well.

"Batavia for Haiti" is what I hope to call it. It will be a day filled with chances for people to give. As my last note mentioned, money is the primary way of helping people over seas. While people are willing to donate money offhand, I think we can raise more money by them getting something in return. All too often people get caught up in the idea that giving needs to be something like a sacrifice. While it often is, it doesn't have to be this way. People are more likely to give when also getting something in return (though of course the primary incentive is to help). What they will receive is a wonderful day full of gifted individuals. Musicians, dancers, singers, poets, and many others will use their gifts on stage to perform. Other artists, such as painters can include their pieces in silent auctions. Local businesses can provide gift baskets for auctions and raffles, sponsor the event, or offer the services they provide. For instance, the gymnastics facility I work at could have a special fundraising open gym. Not only will this give them a chance to make a difference, it can promote business as well. People also suggested we do a Bake sale at the event too! So if you can bake, you can contribute.

In order for an event like this to happen, a lot of planning is involved. This is where you come in. There is absolutely no way this can be put together by one person. There needs to be a team with people managing things such as, talent, marketing, decorating, graphics, an "E-person", and then people helping. The only way for such a community event to happen is for the community to get involved. As I see who is interested and figure out more details, I will organize a meeting to get this thing done. Please keep in mind that this isn't MY event. This is a chance for everyone to help out others. I can't do it by myself. This is OUR event, this is how WE can make a difference. If you're interested or have ideas, please don't hesitate to share!

I know a lot of people will want to help and some have already let me know that they can. Because of this there will have to be some selection. There can't be 30 people responsible for 5 things! Same goes for the talent that will be featured in the event and in the auctions etc. I want this to primarily be by and for Batavians. Of course this is something that the team will have to decide upon though. Outside talent or just Batavia? This will all be planned out as things move along. But please still let me know if you are interested, even if you aren't from, or currently live in, Batavia.

And if it doesn't work out for you, it's not like this has to be the only event! Batavia for Haiti, Tri-Cities for Haiti, Illinois for Hati, I don't know. If you want help setting up something in your city or even something small with some friends, let me know and I'm sure I can help get the ball rolling and we can find a way to get everyone making a difference. Also, if you are unsure of how you can use your gifts to make a difference, I can try to help you figure that out too!

"Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." - Philippians 2:4

God Bless,
Joshua Boyd

1 comment:

Jackie Busch said...

Josh- Wow! I enjoyed reading your honesst deep thoughts and I particularly admire your love for the Lord and passion for His people. If you would like to get away from suburbia sometime and want to minister amongst "my" babies on the Westside with arts - let me know! We are starting a pretty incredible arts enrichment program (music, dance, acrobatics) and in the fall we will probably have paid full time and part time openings. Just felt like I should tell you. Keep on serving Him!