Wednesday, October 04, 2006


ok i'm really sick of all this crap about 666, people are talking about it yet they don't know what it really means. it doesn't represent the end of the world or people dying. i'm also going to talk about a bulletin that is going around.ok i guess i should start by just giving u what the bible says. in the last book of the bible, revelation, it talks about the end of everything, and the start of Gods kingdom. All those that believe in God and Christ (who was God in the flesh) will be taken up into heaven, those that do not believe, will be left on the earth to be judged. during this time a new ruler will arise. what many will see as their "savior". but really he is the devil in the flesh (or in human form), the bible calls him the antichrist (opposite or against christ). now here is where 666 comes in. this is from revelation chapter 13:16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666. from these verses we can see that 666 is not the day the devil is coming, it is not the day for the end of the world, it doesn't represent a day or month or year at all. it is a symbol. a symbol for sin and evil. it's like how 7 is a symbol for perfection ,also known as God's number. 666 represents evil, which is of course associated with the devil. the numbers are symbols. just like 2 fingers up is a symbol for peace. oh my gosh maybe on feburary 2nd 2022 (2/2/22) the world will be at peace...according to the verse, 666 is used more as an ID to show loyalty to the new leader (the antichrist). in these times, you can't buy or sell anything unless u have this number on you, and u only get this number if u swear loyalty to the devil what does this day, the 6th month, the 6th day, in 2006 mean? absolutly nothing. it's not a day where more people are going to die or that the devil is going to come. it's not a day of extra evil, or demons and evil spirits coming out to play. it's another beautiful day that we owe to God, just like yesterday, just like tomorrow, just like everyday until the end of time.i know many things will happen on this day, but only because of man thinking it's supposed to happen, or making it happen themselves. it's not God or the devil, but mans evil nature alone that can make this day a bad or evil one.ok now about the bulletin. here is what it saysMost people think that on 6-6-06 we are all going to die because 666 is known to be the devil's number. But, if you really believe in God you will re-post this, and if you don't you will die because that shows that you believe the devil will kill us all. Re-post this as 6-6-06. Remember, the devil is watching you.. waiting to just.. you know what if you don't re-postgeez. i'm sick of bulletins saying if u believe in God u should do this or that. or that if u don't repost this u don't believe in him. i really don't think God cares about what u post on your myspace. it doens't matter what u post, it doesn't change who u are or what you believe. so if you're not ashamed of God don't be like ooo i'll just post this bulletin. 2 things, first off, if you have to change the name of your bulletin to "trick" people into opening your bulletin, what does that mean? u should be able to just say hey this is about God in the subject line. unless, you're too ashamed to actually show someone that you are posting something about God. 2nd, if you love God, live your life for him, you can say u believe in him and love him, u can post a million bulletins, but that doens't mean a thing unless you're living your life for him and trying to be an example of him and Christ.

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