Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hot or Cold?

just a little intro so u know whats going on. this was something i posted on a blog my friend had. it was alot about questions about God and the orgins of life and just different things from homosexuals to being left handed lol. but yeah this was just something that was on my mind and i thought it might fit well in there. soo please enjoy............

Some people may not like to see people post that don't care for God or what the bible says and such. but personally i'm happy they are. and i'm more glad they are than some people that are saying there is a God. the bible says in revelation 3:15-16 that " I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth." This means that God Himself would rather you be all for him or all against him. there are too many hypocrites out there. I'm not going to say that i am not one at times, but some people are ridiculous. You say you are a christian and believe all of these things in the bible. but where is that when you are at school? 1 second u say yes i'm a christian, gay is bad and all that stuff, yet the next you swear and sin and not even care.God would rather you just be one way. try to live all for him, or against him. some people just say it because they think it gets them into heaven, but if you believe in the bible than thats not true. it's a relationship with God. and it's not just o i sinned God forgive me,so it's ok every time you sin. it's just like every relationship in your life, it involves constant communication. if you are only someones bf or gf one day of the week are you really their bf/gf??? the answer is no. so people don't tell me you are a christian unless you are trying to live for and with him daily.
to all of you who don't belive in God or are just agnostic, i respect you a great deal more than everyone out there that is saying all of this stuff for God here, but once i see them at school act like God isn't even part of their life.
again i'm not saying that you should never sin and such and will never not seem like you aren't following God. it's part of being human, we fail sometimes. all i'm trying to say is either TRY to live for him and be an example constantly, or just do whatever you want and stop saying you are a christian.
o one small fact, in many surveys, the reason many people aren't christian, is because they see all of these people that say they are christians and notice they are either no different than them, or worse.
In Christ, Josh

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